Respect for human rights
The PPIH Group is working to respect the human rights of all stakeholders involved in the Group, based on the PPIH Group's collection of corporate philosophies, "The Source."
"The Source" states that the company will not discriminate against one's race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, age, place of birth, ideology, religion, educational background, physical characteristics, disability, LGBTQ+ (sexual orientation and gender identity), etc., and will recognize all forms of diversity. In addition to ensuring the awareness of this philosophy, all employees and executives working for the PPIH Group also conduct promoting the awareness and understanding towards diversity.
Furthermore, We also comply with relevant laws and regulations, and respect international codes of conduct such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenants on Human Rights, ILO Core Labor Standards, and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We will respect workers' rights, including freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, and will not engage in any human rights abuses, such as child labor, forced labor, harassment, discrimination or violence, and will strive to identify human rights risks related to our business and avoid them.
PPIH Group Human Rights Policy
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The PPIH Group will strive to deepen the understanding of human rights among all employees and executives, and to realize a society in which human rights are respected in accordance with this policy.
This policy applies to all employees and executives working for the PPIH Group. We also expect our partners who realize our common objectives to comply with this policy. - ❷ We will contribute to the promotion of diversity in society by responding to the needs of customers with diverse values.
- ❸ We will always keep in mind the idea of "flipping the subject," putting ourselves in the other party's shoes, respecting the human rights of our employees and partners with whom we work, and creating a safe and comfortable work environment.
- ❹In order to realize a corporate culture based on meritocracy, we will respect the diversity of our employees and conduct sincere and fair evaluations without arbitrariness.
- ❺In accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the PPIH Group seeks to prevent and mitigate negative impacts on human rights. We will also establish internal and external consultation offices and practice human rights due diligence to ensure respect for the human rights of our employees, partners, and other relevant stakeholders.
Promote and disseminate respect for human rights
-Implementation of The Source Examinations
The PPIH Group conducts a web-based "The Source examination" twice a year for all PPIH Group employees and directors in order to deepen their understanding of "The Source" Code of Conduct, which defines all codes of conduct, including human rights.
Additionally, we have an in-house qualification system called the Master of the Source, which is mainly for managers. The Master of the Source certification examination is held twice a year. The Masters of the Source are responsible for spreading it's teachings to other employees, including mate employees (part-timers), while also understanding and putting in to practice these teachings. Through these internal systems and qualifications, we strive to put in to practice "The Source Management".

Straps and badges worn by "Masters"(for president, branch president, general employee)
-Efforts to raise awareness
In July 2023, an outside director led a "Sustainability Training" for PPIH Group executives, which included responses to human rights. Topics covered included the risks and opportunities of human rights violations in corporate management and examples from other companies.

The establishment of a consultation service
In the unlikely event that a human rights issue arises in the workplace, we have established internal and external contact points for Group employees and their families and employees of our partners to consult and report such issues.
Internal and external (third party law firms) hotlines for reporting are provided. Privacy of those who consult or report is strictly protected, and anonymous consultation and reporting are also possible. If necessary, we will seek to confirm the facts and resolve the issue with the consent of the individual consulting. It is also stipulated that there will be no disadvantage to the person who has consulted or reported the matter, or to those who have cooperated in confirming the facts.

Consultation services for employees and their families

Compliance hotline for employees

Hotline for business partners