PPIH group sustainable procurement policy
- ❶Supplying Safe and Reliable Products.Promote procurement activities so that we can provide products and services that customers can rely on at optimal prices, giving top priority to safety.
- ❷Thorough Compliance.Comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and social standards, and act based on the promotion of sustainability. We do not request or accept any money, hospitality, gifts, or other benefits that exceed socially accepted norms or common sense from our business partners.
We will not have any relationship with antisocial forces or other parties involved in illegal activities. - ❸Fair and Equitable Transactions.We will provide our business partners with fair and equitable business opportunities, regardless of the country/region in which they are located or the size of their company.
When selecting suppliers, we make decisions based on a comprehensive evaluation of quality, price, delivery, and stable supply, as well as technological capabilities, compliance and environmental stance, and respect for human rights. - ❹Coexistence with the Local Community.We will strive to promote local procurement in order to put in to practice community-based individual store management, and aim for coexistence and co-prosperity with local communities.
- ❺Human Rights Considerations.We will respect basic human rights and comply with international standards related to human rights, such as consideration for occupational safety and health and the prohibition of unfair discrimination, child labor, and forced labor, in our dealings with suppliers and procurement of products and services.
- ❻Environmental Considerations.We will promote initiatives which reduce the environmental impact of our business activities, and strive to conduct transactions with suppliers and procure products and services that contribute to the control and mitigation of environmental problems such as climate change and biodiversity conservation.
- ❼Collaboration with Business Partners.In order to put in to practice consideration for social issues and the environment throughout the supply chain in procurement, we request our suppliers to comply with the PPIH Group Supply Chain Code of Conduct. In addition, when issues are discovered, we work together to resolve them.
- ❽Management of Confidential Information.Appropriately manage confidential and personal information, and strive to prevent leaks.
Established in January 2022