Compliance with and oversight of corporate philosophy
The PPIH Group considers the entire contents of its corporate philosophy, "The Source", to be a code of conduct to be followed. "The Source" defines our overall corporate philosophy, including our management philosophy, employee mindset and conduct, building good relationships with business partners, and strict adherence creating stores where people feel safe, and are safe.
Understanding and Instilling our corporate ethics based on our collection of Corporate Philosophies, "The Source"
In order to ensure thorough implementation of corporate ethics based on "The Source", our corporate philosophy and code of conduct, the Group has established the Corporate Philosophy Promotion Headquarters under the control of the Representative Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer in charge in order to promote understanding, awareness, and educational activities among all employees, including those in management. Additionally, when issues or problems related to corporate ethics arise, the Awards and Disciplinary Committee deliberates and works to resolve the issues.

Training for Understanding and Instilling Corporate Ethics
In order to deepen the understanding and instillation of "The Source", which is the pillar of our corporate ethics promotion, we conduct self-study using e-learning and examinations to ascertain the level of understanding. There are two examinations: the biannual "The Source" General Examination for all full-time and contract employees, and the biannual "Master of The Source" Certification Examination, primarily for Managers, who are awarded the status of "Master of The Source" upon passing it.
A Master of The Source is an employee who understands and practices the teachings of "The Source" and is responsible for spreading it's teachings to other employees. These Masters of The Source take the lead in spreading it throughout the company and thoroughly implementing The Source Management.
Since the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, we have been holding meetings where "Masters of The Source" from PPIH Group companies discuss how they are putting "The Source" into practice in their daily work. In addition, videos of particularly outstanding presentations are posted on the company website and shared with the entire company.
We are also conducting training to introduce "The Source" to new employees and mid-career hires, and will continue to promote understanding among Group companies overseas.

The Master of The Source Certification Examination

Held "The Source Symposium" for practical implementation of actions based on The Source teachings.

Strap and badge worn by Masters of The Source
and Introductory Training
(June 2022/Domestic Corporation Results)
No. of Examinees: 9,208 / No. of Successful Examinees: 8,994
No. of Examinees: 3,656 / No. of Successful Examinees: 685
No. of Masters of The Source: 1,991
No. of New Graduates: 466 / No. of Mid-Career Employees: 742