Pan Pacific International Holdings Corporation

Pan Pacific International Holdings Corporation

Donations and fundraising activities for community contribution

The PPIH Group aims for co-existence and co-prosperity with the local community, and through its business activities will engage in active dialogue with the local government and local residents in order to promote social contribution activities that meet the needs of the local community.

Fundraising for the development and popularization of guide dogs

The Group conducts fundraising activities at each of our group stores to help with the development of guide dogs and support the independence of visually impaired individuals.  Donations received will be delivered to the Japan Guide Dog Association and The National Federation of All Japan Guide Dog Training Institutions, which will use them to raise and train guide dog candidates to support the walking of visually impaired people. We also aim to create a society where guide dogs are accepted as a matter of course, by holding store events to deepen the understanding of guide dogs, as well as creating stores based on the new barrier-free law.

Holding store events to provide opportunities to interact with guide dogs and deepen understanding

Holding store events to provide opportunities to interact with guide dogs and deepen understanding

In-store fundraising activities

In-store fundraising activities

Unit: Japanese Yen

Donation recipient FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 Total amount of donation(*3)

Japan Guide Dog Association(*1)





National Federation of All Japan Guide Dog Training Institutions (NPO)(*2)





*1:Donated by Don Quijote, MEGA Don Quijote, MEGA Don Quijote UNY, Don Quijote UNY, Picasso, and Nagasakiya stores

*2:Donated by :Apita, Piago, Piago La Foodscore, and U-Store stores

*3:Japan Guide Dog Association : November 2014 - June 2024 / National Federation of All Japan Guide Dog Training Institutions (NPO):February 2014 - June 2024

Fundraising activities for relief efforts

The PPIH Group conducts fundraising activities at each of its Group stores in the event of severe damage caused by major earthquakes, fires, typhoons, or other widespread disasters in Japan or overseas.
Donations from our customers are sent to local governments and relief organizations in the affected areas to help the victims and the affected regions.

Name Fundraising period Fundraising amount Donation recipient

2024 Taiwan Eastern Offshore Earthquake Relief

April 5, 2024
- April 30, 2024


Japanese Red Cross Society

2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relief


Japanese Red Cross Society

January 4, 2024
- January 31, 2024



January, 2024
- February, 2024


Maui Wildfire Relief

August 22, 2023
- September 24, 2023


Japanese Red Cross Society

Turkey and Syria Earthquake Relief

February 14, 2023
- March 19, 2023


Japanese Red Cross Society

Ukraine Humanitarian Fund

March 4, 2022
- May 31, 2022


Japanese Red Cross Society

Initiatives to ensure that customers with disabilities can enjoy shopping with peace of mind

The Group is promoting various initiatives in its stores to ensure that all customers, regardless of whether they have a disability or not, can enjoy shopping with peace of mind.

Introduction of communication boards in all stores nationwide

As an initiative for supporting customers with hearing and speech impairments, all of the Group's stores within Japan have introduced "communication boards" in order to facilitate conversations with employees.
When a customer presents an employee with an "ear-mark*" card, which is placed at the cash register or elsewhere in the store, the employee will use the communication board to serve the customer. This strengthens communication with customers and supports them in purchasing the services and products they need.

Communication boards focus on problems at the checkout (contents may vary from store to store)

Communication boards focus on problems at the checkout (contents may vary from store to store)

"Ear Mark" Card

*The Ear Mark is a symbol for hearing impairment administered by the All Japan Association of Hard of Hearing and Late-Deafened People, which represents a hearing impairment and at the same time shows consideration for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Conducting of sign language seminars

Sign language seminars are held from time to time, mainly for store employees, where they can learn practical sign language for use when greeting and serving customers. Learning sign language provides an opportunity to communicate with customers with hearing disabilities, and also aims to promote employee understanding of people with disabilities.

- Total No. of Participants in Sign Language Seminar : 6,190 employees (FY2024)
Sign language seminars

Sign language seminars

Some sign language seminar projection materials

Some sign language seminar projection materials

Name holders and in-store signs are posted in stores with staff members who are able to sign or are learning sign language

Name holders and in-store signs are posted in stores with staff members who are able to sign or are learning sign language

Some stores utilize sign language in their morning chants

Some stores utilize sign language in their morning chants

Barrier-free access in building stores

Stores are being made barrier-free, with the aim of making them comfortable and user-friendly for the elderly, pregnant women and people with disabilities.

Step-free entrances and guide blocks

Step-free entrances and guide blocks

Multipurpose toilet that can be used regardless of disability or gender

Multipurpose toilet that can be used regardless of disability or gender

Creation and expansion of employment

The PPIH Group has a total of 731 stores in 8 countries/regions. (As of March 26, 2024) We have 17,107 employees*(2023FY) working in our stores and offices.

*Excludes temporary employees

Under the corporate philosophy collection 'The Source (Genryu)', we have defined our primary action as supporting the daily lives of our customers and providing them with the pleasure of shopping, and we place importance on customer affinity to achieve this. We are familiar with the needs and characteristics of customers, which vary from place to place and region to region, and we are recruiting local employees so that we can offer products and services tailored to these needs and characteristics. As a result, we contribute to local communities through employment.

Total number of employees: 17,107